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Section Pages 1-28  Continued..Pages 29-40




Global Physicians








Thank You for supporting GPNFoundation's 2017 Challenge of Connecting, Caring and Contributing.  Take action now!

Our GOAL is to raise a minimum of:  

1.   5001 Acts of Kindness that bring smiles and sunshine.

2.  $5001 to Fund our Education Programs, this Fall and $5001 for our Coats4kids Program that brings new coats directly to schoolchildren, this Winter. 

Here is how it works:

1.  Choose the words from the word groups below to create your own 'I ACT NOW'

2.  Personalize it further by coming up with a novel (and Safe!!) or new for you (and Safe!!) way of Giving.

3.  Complete the challenge that you have set for yourself OR you can make a donation to GPNFoundation (via the Donate button on the Home Page) and tag a buddy to the challenge.  Your contribution will support our mission.

4.  Share and Inspire others to ACT NOW!! 

5.  Send us a note via Facebook and we will post your inspiring deed.  Follow us on Instagram and check back on our website as we come up with some of our own ways of giving.

6.  Remember to have fun, appreciate others and ACT NOW!!  Thank You

Network Foundation

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